Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Time Someone Followed My Advice

a time someone had followed my advice was when i had told my best friend not to listen to what others think about her or say about her. She has very low self-asteem and i just try to be there for her whenever i can. I help her in a time of need always. She took my adive a year after i told her and she even got a boyfriend now she never really thanked me for the advice but i know shes thankful for a friend like me. I hope she remembers that for the rest of her life. Just in case her and her boyfriend split up some how i hope she knows to still keep her self -asteem high no matter what. even if she doesnt get what she wants when she wants it. And never took look at what im doing because she sees i get everything i want quick, fast, and in a hurry but that doesnt work all the time.

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